Mandisa Mkhize reacts to Zandie Khumalo’s comments painting her as a suspect. Zandie Khumalo’s tell-all interview opened a whole lot of can of worms, especially after the finger-pointing. Not only are the contradictory statements from both her and her sister Kelly Khumalo the talk of the town, her placing the spotlight on Senzo Meyiwa’s wife Mandisa Mkhize and mother is what people find rather interesting.

Mandisa Mkhize reacts to Zandie Khumalo's comments painting her as a suspect

Zandie Khumalo questioned why Mandisa was never investigated for the goalie’s mysterious death.

“Looking at this whole situation if someone is dead and is a husband if someone the first suspect would be the girlfriend or the wife.

“But no one has ever looked at Mandisa. Why is she not being investigated? Is it even possible that Senzo’s mother and Mandisa conspired? Why can’t police look at other people, look at other possibilities? No one has ever looked at Mandisa, our phones were taken, and Mandisa’s phone has never been taken, why is she not being investigated?”


Also catching the heat is Senzo Meyiwa’s mother, “Senzo’s mom was on TV saying she tried by all means to end Kelly and Senzo’s relationship, she even went as far as getting muthi….maybe she and her daughter-in-law sent a hitman, not necessarily to target Senzo but to target Kelly to make sure their relationship doesn’t happen.”

On Instagram, Zandie wrote, “For the very first time in this country kushona umyeni ushonela [a married man dies] at a girlfriend’s house yet the wife has never even once been considered a suspect. Wake wayizwaphii leyonto??? [where have you ever heard of that] whether she did it or not the investigation will determine but naye akaphenywe [she must also be investigated.]”

It seems as though Mandisa might have reacted to this bold statement with a short video on Instagram, of her sticking her tongue out.

Also Read –Something bad happens to Khwezi’s pregnancy. 

Zandie Khumalo made some more discoveries in the interview when she said Senzo Meyiwa and the other people were there to discuss Kelly’s lobola.




“We know Mthoko, we had seen him every now and then. But Tumelo we had met for the first time that day because he was there to discuss the upcoming lobola negotiations for Kelly and would be one of Senzo’s representatives in the discussions,” she said.

This opened the floor to a wide debate on her interview and trying to connect the dots from the things revealed by the documentary.

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