Musa Mseleku Divorced! Musa Mseleku big mouth has set him under attack from ‘Mnakwethu’ fans.Only two episodes into the third season of Mnakwethu, and notorious polygamist and reality TV star Musa Mseleku is already drawing criticism for his comments.
Following Mseleku’s comments regarding the wife of one of the guys he was helping enter a polygamous relationship on Tuesday, July 12, Tweeps were on fire.
In the reality TV show, Mseleku helps men who are aspiring polygamists to break the news to their current wives by introducing potential wife number two.Invoking Mseleku’s assistance this week, Siphiwe Masuku claimed he wanted to take a second bride since his fiancée, Sibongile Nxumalo, has an ancestor-related calling. Masuku revealed that Nxumalo’s vocation prevents him from having physical encounters with her as frequently as he’d like, which is why he wants a polygamous relationship.
Nxumalo, though, was not having any of it. She claimed that because Masuku had humiliated her and her ancestors, she wouldn’t entertain his request unless he purchased her a car and two goats as compensation.
Mseleku, who supported Masuku, claimed that Nxumalo was being “abusive” and “selfish” toward her spouse during the course of the program. The father of four asserted that Masuku’s justifications were sufficient and that even his fiancee’s forebears had been self-centered.
“Last episode Mseleku said mamkhulu is abusing the guy because she doesn’t want polygamy, tonight he said the same, even in his reality show Mseleku said his wives are abusing him because they don’t want him to take another wife, so according to him woman saying no to polygamy is abuse,” an angry tweep wrote.
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“Mseleku is always quick to paint the first wives as abusive because they aren’t “falling in line” but will always make the men out to be victims,” one viewer wrote.
While another tweep wrote: “Bab’Mseleku, respect the fact that some women don’t want isithembu! Why is that so hard?”
“MaNxumaoo asking for a car was her trying to show that man ukuthi he can’t afford a second wife, how is she being unfair? And uBaba knew she has a calling and still went all in, how is any of this her fault? Musa Mseleku uyathanda ukhuluma udoti hey! #Mnakwethu”
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