A church wedding was disrupted in Lusaka, Zambia on Sunday morning, October 11, when a woman stormed the ceremony alleging to be a legitimate wife of the groom. Update on woman who caused chaos at her husband’s wedding who was marrying another wife

Update on woman who caused chaos at her husband’s wedding who was marrying another wife

The groom identified as Abraham Muyunda, who works for Zambia Revenue Authority, is said to be married to Caroline Mubita for 11 years and they have three children together.

However, Caroline claimed that Muyunda told her that he was going out of town on duty after sleeping with when in fact he was set to marry another woman at a Catholic Church in Lusaka’s Chainda.

Caroline was tipped by vigilant neighbors that her husband was about to wed another woman and she rushed to the church together with her kids and disrupted the ceremony.

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“This man is my husband. We haven’t divorced. We haven’t separated, we never quarrelled. He slept with this morning. He is from home. Idont know what is happening here” she said.

Speaking to some local media on Monday, Mr Muyunda alleged that Caroline left him in 2013 when he lost his job. He said she resurfaced to cause trouble after seeing that he has become successful. (There are audios of the interviews)

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Furthermore, it was gathered that the family of the man knew about the wedding and were fully involved in the planning. In fact, they all attended the traditional wedding ceremony held few days before the white wedding in the bride’s home. Videos and photos from the well-attended ceremony has been posted on Facebook.

Speaking under anonymity, a close family source said that the man’s family were fully involved in the marriage negotiations and the plan was for the couple to relocate to South Africa after their wedding.

“The lady has a lot of money. She sponsored everything and she has been sponsoring family of the man who was to marry her. You can see from the video that the lady was not shocked at all. She knew that he was married” the source claimed.


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