Gender Based Violence (GBV) has rocked the country for many years now and the pressure mounts every time a woman is reportedly murdered by their partner. Many celebrities have taken a stand against this pandemonium and Uzalo’s Masoja Msiza is doing more than just voicing out his disapproval of this vile act.  Uzalo’s Nkunzi Releases Song

Uzalo's Nkunzi Releases Song

Apart from acting, Msiza who plays Nkunzi on the SABC 1 telenovela is also a seasoned poet. Fusing poetry and soft Afro-pop, he and former cast member Xolani Ncobeni have teamed up to release a song titled I Am A Father. The song speaks about the important role that fathers should play in their children’s lives and in society.

Msiza appeals to men in general to play their very important roles in their respective societies of being protectors and providers. Contradictory to the character he plays, he outlines responsibilities of a good father and man.

Speaking to Sowetan Live about the song he released yesterday on Thursday, he said it was inspired by the growing number of cases of violence against women and children in society.

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“When the idea of the song started I knew that poetry alone will not work on this song. I brought in Xolani to add voice so that the song is catchy. I have realised that fathers are absent in terms of actions in their sons’ lives.

“You see, when women have problems it is easy [for them] to share their pain with others and be comforted. But with men they bottle a lot of pain and frustrations because there are no platforms where they can speak about their pain. We live in modern days where there is lack of family structures which could assist in such situations,” he told the publication.

He is planning a men’s conference next year 2021, where he will be joined by councilors, spiritual and traditional leaders, to address men on how to uphold their dignities in society.

“The song encourages all men to sit down and come up with a way forward on how to stop this [scourge]. We come to this world through women but it is the same men who kill them…”

Sello Maake-Ka Ncube is also very vocal when it comes to lending his voice towards his cause. The ‘Mzansi Act Now’ campaign is formed by a group of men who want to see change and put a stop to the nonsensical violence against women and children.

Sello was asked by IOL news how he plans on achieving his goal and he simply said, “by raising our voices of dissent towards GBV we hope that this will prick the conscience of men.”

Also Read – Liesl Laurie explains how she was s.e.xually harassed three times in a week


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