Actress Sophie Ndaba Lichaba’s suffers a stroke as health worsens

Actress Sophie Ndaba Lichaba’s suffers a stroke as health worsens

Legendary actress and businesswoman Sophie Ndaba Lichaba’s health has worsened after she suffered a stroke and was admitted on Wednesday. Her health has deteriorated since she collapsed while driving to Welkom from Joburg early this year.

A relative of the former Generations actress who leaked the developments to Sunday World on condition of anonymity, pleaded with South Africans to pray for Sophie Ndaba after she was admitted for depression and a high sugar level.

The relative said Covid-19 tests were run but they returned negative. “She went for Covid-19 tests but it turned out she was negative. She is now recovering and could be discharged from hospital soon,” the relative said. Sophie Ndaba, who also runs an event management business confirmed that she has not been in good shape recently.

The Family Secrets actress also confirmed that her health had deteriorated. “You know that I’m diabetic right, so when you are depressed, your sugar level will definitely go up. So when they checked me they discovered that because my sugar level was up, my body was burning a lot of fat. So basically the fat that I take, my body will burn it quickly and that resulted in me losing a lot of weight”

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The renowned wedding planner also said as a result of the excessive weight loss, her body became sore. She said her last battle with diabetes and depression was earlier this year when she almost lost her life.

“I was driving into Welkom, just from the set of robots in Welkom, I passed out because my sugar level went up as a result of stress and I lost control of my car,” she said.

She said she had suffered a stroke several times after the accident because of her chronic condition. “Fortunately, I know how to treat the strokes, the physicians showed me the things to drink when you have a stroke,” she said.

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