Amongst many other talents he has, who would have thought DJ Tira is such a good teacher when it comes to LOVE matters. Well, we are your heart Mr DJ, pump us! DJ Tira teaches Men how to satisfy their Ladies

DJ Tira teaches Men how to satisfy their Ladies - Video

Are you struggling with how to love your lady? Then let DJ Tira put you through. During an Instagram Live, the Durban DJ conversed with fans and lots of them were super excited.

Tira told the guys watching him to love their ladies, by buying them flowers.

“C’mon guys, let’s love out ladies, let’s buy them flowers…” he said.

The star emphasized that ladies should be treated with much care.

“Let’s teach each other to do nice things for our ladies… Muthi bhuuuu nge thousand umuntu wakho,” he captioned video.

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Some of the viewers said they don’t want flowers, but the DJ believed he’s passed a vital message across, especially with the ill-treatment most ladies receive from men.

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