Former Generations Actor Seputla Sebogodi Exposes The Acting Industry. Former Generations actor Seputla Sebogodi exposes the deep and dark secrets of the acting industry. On a podcast session, Sebogodi mentions that if an actor is not Zulu, they should prepare to starve.

Former Generations Actor Seputla Sebogodi Exposes The Acting Industry

Seputla Sebogodi has left tweeps in complete shock and awe as he reveals some of the skeletons happening in the acting industry. Sebogodi raises concerns of actors and actresses that cannot speak IsiZulu not booking jobs because of the language barrier.

Sebogodi shares how he has lost five acting gigs and roles this year alone simply because he cannot speak IsiZulu. He mentions that actors and actresses who cannot speak IsiZulu are as good as scrambled eggs.

“We are not recognized, please check this, all the soapies, all the soapies. This year I said no to fie soapies or drama series, I said no. Because you ask me, you ask me, ‘can you speak Zulu’? If you can’t speak Zulu be prepared to starve. Tell me one soapie without Zulu’s. In South Africa if you can’t speak Zulu, you are as good as scrambled eggs” said Seputla Segobodi

Seputla Sebogodi has also made a reference that a number of awards ceremonies are only taking place in Durban. However, when the podcaster inserted that perhaps Durban production houses are hiring more actors is because they embrace the talent in the city. Sebogodi blatantly gave credits to the politicians instead.

You check, How many awards has been done in Durban? How many awards? Whether it is gospel, where it is artist (what.. what.. what..) in Limpopo can you count? You have to give credits to… I say politicians. How can those ones in Durban they can get it right?” said Seputla Sebogodi

Another actor took to Twitter to convey his outcry after he lost three acting gigs because he cannot speak IsiZulu. To corroborate what Seputla Sebogodi was saying, tweeps are outraged at the language imbalance in the acting industry.

“Just lost a third acting gig this month, because I can’t speak Zulu. Batswana, please open film productions and cast us. We are straving and unemployed” wrote Tiisetso Masike


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Tweeps are pretty much conflicted at the ratio and the imbalance that is happening in the acting industry. While some completely understand the perfectly imperfect balance, others have tagged their North West Arts office to invest on its local talent.


“Who is the oedince of the soapie. Remember there are about 10mill Zulus hence the dominance of Zulu in the entertainment industry. Even songs most of them r Zulu. Even if one is Xhosa, Zulu, Pedi Shangan etcc. One would rather have a Zulu song for more costumers” wrote Malungelo Ncube.


“@ArtsSportNwpg Please invest in talents. We have amazing ideas, willing to sit down and have a meeting. Other Provinces are doing it, KZN is doing it. Let’s also try, Please” wrote Tiisetso Masike

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