Kelly Khumalo and Longwe Twala faces arrest for murder? Prosecutor confirms.The meeting between Judge Tshifhiwa Maumela and State Prosecutor George Baloyi was held in order to discuss the current standing of the second docket.\

Kelly Khumalo and Longwe Twala faces arrest for murder? Prosecutor confirms

The direction given by the National Prosecuting Authorities to the court states that it must now make a decision regarding the second docket.

State Prosecutor George Baloyi confirmed today in court that the 2nd docket, which is about folks who were present in the room when Senzo Meyiwa was killed, has been transferred from Johannesburg Pretoria.

As stated in Baloyi’s submission to the court, the Director of Public Prosecutions in Pretoria has ceased handling both matters as of recently.

When asked if there would be additional proceedings on that docket, both Advocate Baloyi and Judge Maumela responded with a resounding “Yes, the DPP will make a judgment” (375).

If the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) agrees to proceed with the second docket, then the arrests of Kelly Khumalo, Longwe Thwala, and the other individuals involved will take place.

The trial of Senzo Meyiwa was scheduled to be postponed today; however, the case had to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, and it will now take place on Tuesday, September 13th, 2022.

The state asserts that they have a witness who was in the house at the time that Senzo was shot, and they have provided this witness’s name. It is stated that the witness is a nearby resident.

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Due to the fact that the neighbor’s flight is scheduled to arrive in the afternoon, they were unable to attend the court hearing. The prosecutor informed the court that the state was unable to book an earlier flight for the witness despite their best efforts.

Shockwaves were thrown through the population of South Africa when it was first disclosed that the state had obtained the testimony of a witness who was present in the residence.

It also sparked considerable suspicion, including questions about whether or not the crime scene had been tampered with and whether or not one of the people who had been at the residence was present at the time of the crime.

The court proceeding will pick back up the next day.

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