Afro-pop singer Kelly Khumalo has allegedly become the black sheep of her family.

Kelly Khumalo’s Mother Disowned Her For Her Bad Deeds

Apparently she has been disowned by the Khumalo clan.


The accusations follow the songstress’s heated argument with her mum, Ntombifuthi Khumalo. Over her young sister Zandi Khumalo whom she is no longer in good books with.

According to an insider the Khumalos had distanced themselves from the Empini hitmaker.

” When she began fighting with Zandi she expected her mum to take her side. But Ntombifuthi decided not to choose sides.

” Eventually, Kelly told her mum to stop talking to Zandi, Again her mum refused to do so.

“Kelly wasn’t impressed by this and began bullying her mother.

“She would shout, yell, and belittle Ntombifuthi in front of her kids.”

The mole also said this all happened four months ago.

” At the time her mother was looking after Kelly’s kids in Jozi. She was also there to be featured in Kelly’s reality TV show,” the informant said.

” The fight between Kelly and her mum got so bitter, Ntombifuthi packed her bags and left for KZN. This put the brakes on Kelly’s reality TV show.”

The source also said Kelly Khumalo’s mum had to be begged to return to Jozi.

“This is the other reason her reality show was delayed.”

Kelly Khumalo’s mother disowned her

The Khumalo’s tried to resolve the fight between Zandi and Kelly but failed.

” The problem is Kelly refuses to come back home. She is too much of a celebrity and has distanced herself from her family,” The insider claimed.

“She thinks she is better than everyone else, hence she has been disowned.”

Another source said the situation between Kelly and her sister had gone from bad to worse, they have completely stopped talking to each other, They have nothing good to say about each other and don’t even congratulate each other on their successes.

“A few weeks ago, Zandi received a Golden award fro her song, Akwanele, and Kelly wasn’t there to show support,.

“She didn’t even congratulate her own sister. Zandi has also not congratulated Kelly on her upcoming reality TV show,”

When asked for comment by the Sundays Ntombifuthi said she was scared to comment.

“I would rather keep quiet,” she said before she hung up the phone.

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However, Kelly denied the allegations. “My mother left because I wanted to know the truth about my biological father, which has been an elephant in the room for years in my family.

” My mother can talk to whoever she wants, I can’t force her to stand for the truth and be the mother she has failed to be over the years.”

Speaking on her reality show, she said it was delayed because of the lockdown, not her mother.

” My reality show does not depend on my mother or anyone else, for that matter. She is just a small part – I can do without she said.

” My reality show is shot at my house and my mother lives in my house. If she doesn’t want to be part of what happens in my house, she’s more than welcome to remove herself.I don’t need to beg her,” Kelly said.

About being “disowned”, she said everyone who cared about her was no more.

” I didn’t know I was disowned by the Khumalo’s. I’m hearing this for the first time. I didn’t know there was still anyone lest to disown me as my grandparents, aunts and uncles died long ago.”

Her sister Zandi responded: “It is not true that we don’t care about Kelly. But she feels that way, there is nothing we can do. I’m not in her reality show because we don’t talk. We haven’t in a long time.”

Showmax’s head of communication Richard Boorman commented:

” It’s difficult to give detailed feedback because the show’s still being edited.

“But I can confirm Kelly’s mother features in several episodes and all is set for the show to be launched on Showmax on 6 August. Viewers ill have all their questioned answered then.”

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