Letoya Makhene’s Zimbabwean ex-husband kidnaps their 3 kids – Demands R9000 maintenance from actress. Letoya Makhene’s Zimbabwean ex hijacks their 3 children – Demands R9000 support from entertainer,

Letoya Makhene's Zimbabwean ex-husband kidnaps their 3 kids – Demands R9000 maintenance from actress

Television character and vocalist Letoya Makhene is attempting to gain admittance to her three youngsters after her ex, Privilege Mangezi, neglected to return them to her place.

Makhene, who strolled down the path with financial specialist Lebo Keswa in December 2020, uncovered that the kids visited their dad in their conjugal cushion in Kempton Park around two months prior, yet Mangezi neglected to return them and has been denying her admittance to them.

She said Mangezi, a Zimbabwean, has likewise recorded an upkeep suit against her at the Kempton Park support court, where he requests R3 000 for every kid.

“The request to show up in court was conveyed at my grandma’s home in Tladi, Soweto around two months prior. I just got to be familiar with it [summons] around a month and a half prior since I don’t live there,” said Makhene.

She added that the case was tossed out of court on June 17 after she demonstrated to the court that she has the essential care of the kids.

“I let the court know that this man is declining to take the kids back to me since they visited him. To that end, the matter was excused.”

Her form was substantiated by Keswa, who said they went to Mangezi’s home to get the youngsters at the counsel of court authorities, however, when they showed up, the safety officers denied them passage.

They then, at that point, continued to the Kempton Park police headquarters with the goal to open a body of evidence against Mangezi, yet the police wouldn’t help since “they most likely know him”, as indicated by Keswa.

The couple, at last, got help when they moved toward the Douglasdale police headquarters to open an instance of grabbing and scorn of court against Mangezi.

“In the wake of opening the case, we went to the complex with the police multiple times and we were unable to track down him,” said Makhene, noticing that she thinks Mangezi has cultivated the youngsters out to live with his family members somewhere else.

Makhene said she turned down the cops’ recommendation to get the youngsters from school, saying she would have rather not made the show. “We don’t believe that their classmates should observe us battling about them. This would annihilate them.”

Gauteng commonplace police representative Mavela Masondo affirmed that Makhene has laid charges against Mangezi.

When reached for input, Mangezi flipped out. “I don’t converse with you folks, you all generally hawk bits of gossip and I suppose that is what you get compensated to do. Who are you to ask me sh&*t like that, brother?” he asked, raging.

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Makhene and Mangezi separated in 2016 following nine years of wild marriage. The velvet-voiced vocalist, who was a candidate in this situation, conceded a declaration of separation that gave her the essential guardianship of the youngsters.

As far as the separation order, which we have seen, the kids should live with the previous Generations – The Legacy entertainer yet at the same time permitted to visit Mangezi during school occasions and on ends of the week.

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