Makhadzi Cancels All Shows After Suffering Horrible Head Injury While Live On Stage. A few days after celebrating her 26th birthday, Makhadzi has been forced to take a break and cancel her gigs after suffering a head injury during one of her energetic performances.

Makhadzi Cancels All Shows After Suffering Horrible Head Injury While Live On Stage
She took to social media to share the news of how she bumped her head onto a speaker while performing, she also shared the video of how she hit her head on the speaker.

Makhadzi was recently celebrating her 26th birthday, and later had performances in various places.

The artist will be taking some time off some of her performances and It is currently unclear when exactly she will be back on stage to perform for her fans but there is potential that she will be up and performing tomorrow.

Makhadzi was advised by her doctor to rest and let her head heal from the ordeal.

She wrote :

Well wishes poured in for Makhadzi with many people wishing her well and a speedy recovery. The singer has been enjoying and promoting her new single Chinjamagear. Some people however felt that it was not an accident and the incident is her body’s way of telling her to rest as she has been going all over the country across the border performing. Sometimes doing 5 gigs in a day.

Sol Kofzen wrote :

I went Through the Video slowly, You collapsed on stage, please take care of yourself. You need Full rest & don’t Drink energy Drinks & Coffee. We love You. Take time Out for the Body to recover Fully.

Lorraine Guyo Wrote

Get well soon hun . Ur dedication to ur work is something else you kept on performing and making ur fans happy yet u were in pain.

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Tshawekazi Elihle Bingwa Wrote

Get well soon Queen hay marn nawe stop this thing of ghanaming I always feel the pain on your behalf whenever you throw yourself down it’s gonna affect you in the long run you may even suffer from arthritis

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