RAPULANA Seiphemo is allegedly the baby daddy to Mfundi Vundla’s granddaughter, Zandile Tshukulu.Rapulana Seiphemo Impregnates Mvundi Vundla’s Granddaughter.

Rapulana Seiphemo Impregnates Mvundi Vundla’s Granddaughter

According to well-placed sources Rapulana, who played Tau in Generations: The Legacy, dumped actress Zoe Mthiyane for Zandile and the affair escalated so quickly they now have a one-month-old baby.

“Zandile works in the admin office of her grandfather’s company and has been dating Rapulana for a while,” said a source.

“Since he called it quits with Zoe, they’ve been inseparable.”

The affair between Rapulana and Zandile is an open secret in the office, but according to a second source it’s a no-go discussion.

Said the source: “People in the Generations office tiptoe around the fact that Zandile and Rapulana are a couple.

“Obviously, they want to keep their jobs. She’s the granddaughter of their boss, so they respect that.

“But Zandile isn’t hiding the relationship, especially now that she’s had a baby with him.”

Rapulana has joined Mzansi Magic’s The Queen and stars as Sabata.

When called for comment, Mfundi said: “What people do in their personal lives is none of my concern.”

Zoe told the People’s Paper she didn’t want to be drawn into other people’s dramas.

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The SunTeam called both Zandile and Rapulana for comment, but they did not respond to calls after numerous attempts.

The paper also reveals that three ‘very influential’ female cast members, were horrible towards her bullied her as per their ‘friends’ instructions. The friend being Rapulana’s lover. They made her work very difficult and all of that took it’s toll on her. They ill-treated her hoping that she would eventually leave at her own accord.

“The actors work long hours and the working conditions are horrible. Zoe’s body could not take it any more, especially since she was going through a tough time in her personal life,” said the source.

Another added, “There is a lot of jealousy and cattiness. There are three influential ladies who have been ill-treating her and hoping that she would be frustrated and leave the show.”

Seeing that she is not prepared to leave, Zoe said a number of people created lies against her one of them being that she went to set intoxicated. Zoe denied that she ever went to work drunk.

Generations: The Legacy’s publicist Nandipha Phansi confirmed the actress’s exit saying her contract was not renewed.

Also Read – Actress Zoe Mthiyane rushed to hospital after collapsing on set over Rapulana Seiphemo


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