In an Instagram post, Somizi is seen in a bath tub full of bubbles doing his face routine and telling his story.Somizi Says HIV is better than Coronavirus

Watch : Somizi Says HIV is better than Coronavirus

Somizi Mhlongo says his relative fell sick and they called an ambulance to take the relative to hospital but all the hospitals had no beds available, he warned that no amount of money at this time during Corona will get you a bed at a hospital because hospitals are full.Somizi Says HIV is better than Coronavirus

Somizi further encouraged everyone to stay at home and only go out when there is a need to avoid getting infected and then infecting loved ones.

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Somizi then made a comparison between HIV and Corona saying that with Corona you can infect all your loved ones and everyone you come into contact with whereas HIV you will only infect your intimate partner.

Watch : Somizi Says HIV is better than Coronavirus

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