Bi Phakathi arrested for R500k police bribe. Well-known South African philanthropist, Bi Phakathi has been reportedly arrested for corruption along with three police officers.

Bi Phakathi arrested for R500k police bribe

Bi Phakathi is popular for handing out wads of cash to random people around South Africa.

He oftenly donates to those struggling and disadvantaged members of society including foreigners.

Bi Phakathi Arrested

According to News 24, The police officers reportedly asked the businessperson for bribes to the tune of R1 million in order to avoid the arrest of a suspect in a separate matter, but only received R580 000.

He is appearing at Randburg Commercial Crimes court this morning…along side with his crooked accomplices

Many people have been questioning the source of his money as he’d randomly buy strangers groceries, as well as giving people on the streets and buses money.

Bi Phakathi Arrest: What Really Transpired

The three suspects allegedly went to a residence to enquire about issues with a woman’s passport and alleged fraudulent stamps.

They later arrested her and threatened to arrest her son as well, while hinting that a R1 million payment could settle the matter.

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The woman eventually agreed to pay the suspects an amount of R500,000.

She then reported the matter to the Directorate for Priority Primes Investigation.

The complainant has since been released.

Also Read – A video shows the Mentally Challenged couple sitting in public and displaying their undying love for each other to the amazement of onlookers. 

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