The Bushiri vs Mboro fight seems to be raging on and congregants are joining in on the fight. Incredible Happenings leader Pastor Paseka Mboro lashed out at Nando’s cashiers for allegedly refusing to serve him because they belong to Prophet Shepherd Bushiri’s Enlightened Christian Gathering church.Nandos cashiers belonging to Bushiri’s church refuse to serve Pastor Mboro

Nandos cashiers belonging to Bushiri’s church refuse to serve Pastor Mboro – Video

Pastor Paseka ‘Mboro’ Motsoeneng appeared in the Pretoria High Court on behalf of Prophet Shepherd Bushiri’s former congregants who claimed they had lost money to a scam. The congregants said they invested over R100 000 in a forex commodity scam in 2017 during a seminar conducted by the self-proclaimed prophet at his Enlightened Christian Gathering Church (ECG).

Speaking after a court session on Tuesday, Mboro emphasized that it’s not his battle against Bushiri but he was called to recover the money Bushiri scammed from congregants. “It is not prophet Mboro versus prophet Bushiri. It’s Bushiri versus his own church members who were scammed of their money. A lot of people have been calling me asking me to intervene,”

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A visibly angry Paseka Mboro complained of bad treatment from Nando’s cashiers who he said are from Bushiri’s church because he is ‘fighting Papa’.

“We put orders, we are not getting our orders, and we are getting ill-treatment since we go here, Nando’s is not owned by Bushiri, we are not going to suffer because of Papa, and Bushiri must go home. In his country, they don’t want him. I need treatment like any other customer because I paid for my food. Why must I suffer because I took Major 1 to court?”

Mboro was later served by the Nando’s supervisor who managed to calm the situation which was about to explode.

The two church leaders found themselves at loggerheads in the High Court in Pretoria on Tuesday following remarks made by Mboro about Bushiri’s alleged Forex commodity scam.

Bushiri’s legal team served Mboro with a summons last week for his remarks, Enlightened Christian Gatherings church leader Shepherd Bushiri is suing Incredible Happenings Pastor
Mboro for defamation. Bushiri has denied claims made by Mboro that he’s robbing his congregants.


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