Idols SA star Mthokozisi Ndaba allegedly r@pes a young woman in a kombi. Ex-Idols SA star, Mthokozisi Ndaba has been in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons. But this time the controversial former Idols star may be in real hot water.

Idols SA star Mthokozisi Ndaba allegedly r@pes a young woman in a kombi

Ndaba made advances to a young woman and when she said no, he allegedly raped her!

The 30-year-old former Idols SA contender is out on R1 500 bail after he allegedly raped a 24-year-old woman on Sunday morning, 7 August.

“I met Mthokozisi for the first time at a car wash on Saturday. I was with my friends and he was driving a kombi,” the woman told the publication.“From there we partied all night until Sunday morning.”

She said he offered to drive everyone home. She said she was fine with that because she didn’t suspect anything.

“He said he’d drop me off last because he wanted to talk to me. I agreed. He then drove to a park where we voluntarily kissed. But then I became uncomfortable and I asked him to stop kissing me, but he didn’t,” said the woman.

She said she tried to jump out of the kombi, but the doors were locked.

“I don’t know when he got undressed. Everything happened so fast. He became violent and started undressing me.

“I kept asking him to stop, but he wouldn’t. He raped me and was proud about it,” she said.

The woman said she was terrified throughout the rape.

“He took me home after the incident and I went to KwaMashu Police Station to open a case of rape.

“Afterwards, I went to the clinic for check-ups. I was worried about falling pregnant and contracting STIs.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen next, but I am scared. I feel unsafe. I’ve informed my family and they are supportive. Now I want justice,” she said.

Mthokozisi appeared in the Ntuzuma Magistrates Court on Wednesday, 10 August, and he was released on R1 500 bail.

His next appearance will be on 30 September.

The publication contacted Mthokozisi and he said: “I am not ready to talk about it yet.”

Mthokozisi shot to fame in 2017 when he became second runner-up in the Idols SA competition.

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His name was soon associated with controversy as he refused to congratulate the winner, Paxton Fielies. Days after the competition, he was accused of hitting a woman who opened a case against him.

Last year, he told the publication he became depressed and an alcoholic. Earlier this year, he was rebuilding his life as he stopped drinking and smoking.

Police spokeswoman Constable Thenjiswa Ngcobo said: “A case of rape was reported at KwaMashu SAPS, and a 30-year-old suspect appeared in the Ntuzuma Magistrates Court.”

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