Video of Malume struggling to swim in a competition leaves Mzansi in stitches. An amusing video of a man participating in a swimming competition has been doing the rounds on social media! The clip shows the man, referred to as Malume, taking off in an odd dive into the pool and proceeding to swim in an awkward manner.

Video of Malume struggling to swim in a competition leaves Mzansi in stitches

Although he splashed about in his attempt to finish the race, his die-hard supporters can be heard cheering him on in the background.
In the video, a group of men lined up at the edge of the pool as they prepared to take off and start their swimming race.

As the whistle goes off, the men are seen diving into the pool and proceed to swim, however, Malume is seen doing an awkward belly-flop into the pool and swimming to the side of his lane instead of forward.He eventually realizes he is swimming in the wrong direction and splashes his way forward as he tries to finish the race.

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As awkward and hilarious as his attempt may have appeared, his relentless cheerleaders on the sidelines can be heard shouting his name and cheering him on with great enthusiasm – talk about true friends!

The South African cyber community could not help but laugh out loud at the funny incident, with a several few commending the young champ for finishing his race despite a few hiccups.

Check out the video:

Here are some of the reactions:




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